Industry Support Opportunities
Show your Support for Oregon Optometry at our Signature Events
Corporate Partnership Program
The OOPA partnership program offers industry support packages to support Oregon Optometry. Our signature events include: Third Party/Practice Management Seminar in February, Oregon's Meeting in April, Society Dinners and Oregon events during GWCO Congress in the fall.
The 12-month support commitment ensures that you receive the most benefit from your support dollars. All supporters receive our base opportunities; signage and verbal recognition at our event, your logo on event marketing materials and on our website, e-bag insert in attendee packet, post event attendee list, and a business card listing in our annual membership directory.
We can also create customized support packages that best fit the needs of your organization.
Let us know what we can do for you.
12-Month Commitment Support Package Levels Include
- Platinum Level - Exclusive Title Sponsor
- Gold Level
- Silver Level
- Bronze Level
- Supporter Level
- Ala Carte Options
- Advertising; Membership Directory, Website and Classifieds
- Plus Custom Packages available upon request
Additional Opportunities for Event Co-Support with Speaking Times
- OOPA Board meetings
- OOPA Board retreat
- Young OD Programs
- Woman OD Programs
- Men OD Programs
- Student Programs
- Society Dinners
- Membership Programs
- Oregon events during GWCO Congress
We invite you and your organization to partner with us on these events and show your support for Oregon Optometry. With your generous support, you will be able to attend the event, network with our members and address the attendees.
Reading Readiness with Dr. Joanna Carter
Drs. Zilnicki & Licausi talk with Dr. Joanna Carter of Insight Vision Therapy about how vision affects reading
Know the building blocks for Vision Therapy
Have you been interested in building a vision therapy or neurorehabilitation specialty clinic in your practice?