Industry Associate Membership
Join OOPA as an Industry Associate Member - Dues $100 per year
Membership Criteria
Any individual or non-optometrist, who wishes to join the Oregon Optometric Physicians Association in its Mission, may apply to be an Associate Member. A two-thirds (2⁄3) vote of the Board of Directors is required to confer Associate Membership. Associate Members are extended the privilege of debate, but cannot vote or hold office and shall have no right, title, or interest in any of the property of the Association.
Member Benefits
- Receive membership e-blasts and notifications
- Discounts for online classified and display advertising
- Premium exhibit booth placement for in-person meetings and events
- Partner pricing of Industry Support for OOPA meetings
- Access to members side of website - includes membership database search
- Access to membership directory
- Participation with OOPA committees
Reading Readiness with Dr. Joanna Carter
Drs. Zilnicki & Licausi talk with Dr. Joanna Carter of Insight Vision Therapy about how vision affects reading
Know the building blocks for Vision Therapy
Have you been interested in building a vision therapy or neurorehabilitation specialty clinic in your practice?