The Effects of Vision on Learning and School Performance
A publication of the Oregon Optometric Physicians Association
Too frequently, evaluation of vision based solely on clarity of sight at a 20-foot distance (the Snellen chart) is accepted as an adequate assessment of a child’s vision. Vision screenings in schools or the pediatrician’s office use this method. However, this test alone ignores the majority of vision skills that make up our complex visual system.
Vision involves much more than just 20/20 eyesight (seeing an object clearly 20 feet away). Vision must enable us to obtain meaning and understand what we see with accuracy, efficiency, endurance and comfort at all distances.
Clear 20/20 eyesight is only one of the underlying skills necessary for good vision. Other skills include eye-teaming, focusing, eye movement control and tracking, visual perception, imagery and processing, as well as visual integration with our other sensory systems.
For example, a child may see clearly at chalkboard distance (20/20) but still have symptoms such as eyestrain, headaches, fatigue, or even blurred vision while reading or working on a computer due to a focusing or eye-teaming problem. These problems often reduce a child’s attention, comprehension, and general school performance.
This publication is available in English and Spanish
Discount Schedule for OOPA/AOA Members, Educators, School Nurses & PTA Groups
Cost for vision books is $2.75 each, price includes shipping
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Reading Readiness with Dr. Joanna Carter
Drs. Zilnicki & Licausi talk with Dr. Joanna Carter of Insight Vision Therapy about how vision affects reading
Know the building blocks for Vision Therapy
Have you been interested in building a vision therapy or neurorehabilitation specialty clinic in your practice?