
Enroll your staff in the Oregon Paraoptometric Section – It’s FREE

Enroll in the Paraoptometric Section

Join with other optometric staff throughout Oregon who are dedicated and committed to paraoptometric success!

Member Benefits
Receive membership e-blasts and notifications
Access to members side of website - includes membership database search
Access to membership directory
Participation with OOPA committees
Membership resources - including HIPAA forms, Mandatory Reporting forms, Third Party Payer forms, OHP resources, and more....

Attend World Class Paraoptometric/Staff Education at OOPA Sponsored Events
Optometric staff education is available at OOPA’s Third Party/Practice Management Seminar.   

Resources for Optometric Staff
Optometrists depend on you to help meet patient eye care needs.  Membership offers resources that help you stay up to date on best practices, continuing education and helpful tips about day-to-day office logistics. Check out resources available to YOU.  

Get Certified
Make yourself even more valuable to your practice. Learn how to navigate insurance, make the most of health care reform and understand how to code properly.  Seek certification or renew your current certification today.  Check out Certification Programs

Other Resources 
AOA Paraoptometric Resource Center on Facebook